With so many substances to learn in Chemistry, it might be a bit overwhelming to distinguish between one and another. Especially when we cannot see the substance with naked eye.

One of the substances that we don’t always see everyday is krypton.

If you love science, you might have heard the word ‘Krypton’ mentioned several times. But what kind of matter is it actually?

Is krypton an element, compound, or mixture?

Krypton is an element. It’s a noble gas with the atomic number of 36. It only consists of 1 type of atom and it cannot be broken down to produce other elements. Thus, krypton is neither a compound or a mixture. It’s a pure element.

This article will quickly discuss about the classification of krypton, including the difference between element and compound. So keep reading and keep learning!

What Is Krypton?

Krypton is a noble gas that is discovered by Sir William Ramsay and Morris M. Travers in 1898. It’s colorless, odorless, and tasteless in room temperature.

This gas is naturally present on earth but it’s very rare. There is a very tiny amount of krypton in the air and it can be extracted through fractional distillation.

Krypton can change its form into liquid or solid when the temperature is extremely low.

Is Krypton An Element or Compound?

Krypton is an element with an atomic number of 36. Krypton is a standalone matter that cannot be broken down into other elements. Thus, it’s not a compound.

Element VS Compound

In science, an element is a material that consists of only one type of atom. An element is not made of other elements that combine into one. Element is pure and it cannot be broken down into other elements.

A compound is a material that consists of two or more kinds of atoms that form a chemical bond. A compound always has the same ratio of composition. Compounds can be separated into different elements or different compounds through a chemical process.

Is Krypton A Mixture?

No, pure krypton is not a mixture; it’s an element with an atomic number of 36.

In science, a mixture is a material that consists of two or more elements that combine together without forming chemical bonds.

Some examples of mixtures are mud, saltwater, brass, and steel.

Daniel Smithson

Hi, I'm Daniel Smithson, a Chemistry teacher for over 35-years and the founder of DearLearners.com Learning should be fun and accessible to all. Find out more about our mission here: https://dearlearners.com/about-us/

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