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Is Carbon Dioxide An Element, Compound, or Mixture? [ANSWERED]

Is Carbon Dioxide An Element, Compound, or Mixture? [ANSWERED]

Carbon dioxide is one of the most popular gases in science. We are so familiar with this gas. It’s used as a fire extinguisher, it’s used by plants for respiration, and as humans, we breathe out carbon dioxide. Now, if you take a moment to think about carbon dioxide, you probably are wondering what kind…

Is Ink An Element, Compound, or Mixture? [ANSWERED]

Is Ink An Element, Compound, or Mixture? [ANSWERED]

Although today the gadgets occupy so many aspects in our life, we still are familiar with inks, am I right? Ink has been so useful in human civilization, as it helps record amazing thoughts and scientific notes until today. Is ink an element, compound, or mixture? The regular ink that we see today is a…

Is Bismuth An Element, Compound, or Mixture? [ANSWERED]

Is Bismuth An Element, Compound, or Mixture? [ANSWERED]

With so many kinds of unique matters on earth, it might be a bit overwhelming to figure out to which classification a matter belongs. Bismuth is a unique matter. You might not hear about it often. But this material does exist on earth. Is bismuth an element, compound, or mixture? Bismuth (Bi) is an element….

Is Calcium An Element, Compound, or Mixture? [ANSWERED]

Is Calcium An Element, Compound, or Mixture? [ANSWERED]

If you love chemistry, biology, or even just love listening to dairy commercials, you probably are familiar with the word ‘Calcium’. And now you might be wondering, what kind of matter is it actually, right? Is calcium an element, compound, or mixture? Calcium (Ca) is an element with an atomic number of 20. It purely…

Is Sulfuric Acid An Element, Compound, or Mixture? [ANSWERED]

Is Sulfuric Acid An Element, Compound, or Mixture? [ANSWERED]

Sulfuric acid is a corrosive substance. Although it’s dangerous to touch, sulfuric acid can be beneficial if handled correctly. It’s an important substance in the chemical industry. Is sulfuric acid an element, compound, or mixture? Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is a compound that has hydrogen (H), sulfur (S), and oxygen (O) in it. Those different elements…